The student can CHAT with the MENTOR and the WIL Coordinator / Lecturer from the University / TVET COLLEGE via the CHAT ROOM. The Mentor and WIL Coordinator will receive an Email Alert whenever a new Chat message is sent. The WIL coordinator and Mentor can respond to the Chats via the CHAT ROOM on their WIL Portal access. 

The purpose of Registration is to ensure that the lecturers can monitors, manage, and assess the Student’s WIL Training from the start of the training.

Onsite Visitation by the Lecturer is a mandatory requirement to monitor the quality of student Training.
The Lecturer schedules the Onsite Student Visitation via this Menu. Students are alerted to the schedule, and they confirm acceptance.

The Mentor can engage in Incoming and Outgoing chats with STUDENTS and LECTURERS and real-time.  The Mentor can also Attach Documents to the chats

The assessment sheet menu's explained: 


Mentors receive email and System Alerts to Assess Student Progress Reports after the Reports are submitted by the Students. 

MENTORS cannot ADD a new Student to the Mentor’s Assessment Sheet. Only a Student can ADD, CHANGE or EDIT MENTORs from their Menu. After a Student changes to the new Mentor from the Pull-Down List of existing Mentors, the Academic would be Alerted to Approve the change. After that, the New Student would appear on the Assessment Sheet of the Mentor.

       Students can submit Task Reports ONLY AFTER their ONLINE WIL REGISTRATION has been approved by the Academic(WIL COORDINATOR). After the Academic has approved the student’s online registration, the student will receive an alert via email, informing them that their ONLINE WIL REGISTRATION HAS BEEN APPROVED. An email alert is also sent to the MENTOR that the student has registered on the system with their Login details to gain access to the system and assess the student accordingly.

1.    Students need to make sure that they have the correct details of their mentor. The MENTORS Email address is important as that is used to ensure that the MENTOR is alerted when they are registered on the system and be alerted each time a student submits a task report.  Students can change or edit their MENTORS Email address by going to the ONLINE WIL REGISTRATION TABLE and scrolling down to their mentors details and clicking on the blue button provided to change or edit their MENTORS details.

Students can also use the CONTACT US menu provided to get help from the support team to investigate as to why their MENTOR did not receive their login details

1.    Students need to make sure that they use their TUT4LIFE Email in order to register on the WIL PORTAL. Upon signing up students will be able to view the email address registered on the TUT ITS System and have the option to change this email address. It is compulsory that ALL students use their TUT4LIFE email address to SIGN UP on the WIL Portal. This prevents confusion to the student as to which email was used to SIGN UP onto the WIL PORTAL.


Students can also can use the CONTACT US menu provided to get help from the support team to investigate which email address was used upon Signing Up on the WIL PORTAL. The support team can help change the students Email address to their TUT4LIFE email that is required. 

This message alert indicates that the student has not yet registered on the TUT ITS system. In order to Sign Up onto the WIL PORTAL, all students are required to FIRST register on the TUT ITS system then Sign Up on the WIL PORTAL PORTAL. 

This message alert indicates that the Qualification that the student is attempting to register for is not yet populated on the WIL PORTAL.  Students need to use the CONTACT US menu to contact the support team to do an investigation as to which qualification is not live on the WIL PORTAL. 

1.    Students can contact their Academic in order for them to change the start and end date. Academics can change the start and end date of a student from their profile.

1.    Mentors receive email and System Alerts to Assess Student Progress Reports after the Reports are submitted by the Students.


The Mentor is taken through a Step-by-Step process to Assess the Student’s Progress Report and to provide Feedback to the Student.

 The Mentors and Lecturers are alerted to Assess the WIL Outcomes that the Student completes.


 The Mentor is taken through a Step-by-Step process to Assess the Student’s achievement of the WIL Outcome, similar to the procedure followed in Assessing the Student's Progress Reports.

1.    When this occurs it indicates that the student has not used the correct email address of the Mentor when the student was completing their ONLINE WIL REGISTRATION. The Student would have to go onto their ONLINE WIL REGISTRATION table and change the mentor details. Once the student has changed the Mentor details, it will then be sent to the Academic to approve in order for the student to reflect on the Mentors Assessment Sheet.


This can also occur when the Students ONLINE WIL REGISTRATION has not yet been Approved by the Academic. Only upon approval will the student appear on the Existing Mentors Assessment Sheet.

 The Lecturer also referred to as the WIL Coordinator or Academic, is responsible for managing Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Students within the Qualification in the respective Department. The Lecturer's responsibility includes the Monitoring and Supervision of the Students, Assessment of Student Reports, and Assessment of Work Integrated Learning Outcomes. The Primary Lecturer is responsible for Work Integrated Learning Management within the respective Qualification. The Primary Lecturer can assign Students to Secondary Lecturers for management and assessment purposes. The Primary Lecturer can view the progress of all students within the Qualification. The Secondary Lecturer can only view the students who had been assigned to them.

The Primary LECTURER is responsible for:
 • Approving the Online Registration of WIL Students
 • Assigning WIL Students to Secondary Lecturers.
• The Assessment of the Student's Progress Reports
• Monitoring all Student and Industry Mentor activities.
 • The approval of Industry Mentors
• Approval / Accreditation of Employers / Workstations
• Scheduling onsite student visitation
 • Tracking the completion of the WIL training

• The Primary Lecturer assigns one or more Students to Secondary Lecturers to manage.
• The Secondary Lecturer can only View and Manage the Students who are assigned to them by the Primary Lecturer
• The Secondary and the Primary Lecturers’ responsibilities are the same.

      Students are required to Register their WIL TRAINING before the start of their Training. The Lecturer must APPROVE the WIL Registration by checking the credentials of the Employer and Mentor to ensure that the Student can achieve the WIL Outcomes.
EMPLOYER APPROVAL- The Lecturer first checks whether the Employer is Accredited / Approved to train WIL Student. If the Employer is not Approved, the Lecturer can either Provisionally or Fully Approve the Employer.

MENTOR APPROVAL- The Lecturer must also Approve the Mentor if the Mentor is not already Approved.

The students add the employers name when they submit their online applications. The lecturer must search the employer database to ensure that the student did not duplicate an employer name. Often students mis-spell employer names and add the same employer multiple times. The lecturer is responsible for deleting the multiple entries of the same employer, editing employer names and adding new employers on the employer database 





 All Employers that train WIL STUDENTS must be APPROVED by the University or TVET College for each WIL qualification.   LECTURERs can PROVISIONALLY APPROVE a new Employer to allow Students to Register their WIL Training pending the FINAL APPROVAL of the EMPLOYER.


After the FINAL APPROVAL of the Employer, the Lecturer can DOWNLOAD the EMPLOYER ACCREDITATION CERTIFICATE and issue the CERTIFICATE to the EMPLOYER. 

The Accreditation Certificate is valid for three (3) years. After that, the Employer must be re-Accredited and issued a new Certificate

        When this occurs it indicates that the student has not used the correct email address of the Mentor when the student was completing their ONLINE WIL REGISTRATION. The Student would have to go onto their ONLINE WIL REGISTRATION table and change the mentor details. Once the student has changed the Mentor details, it will then be sent to the Academic to approve in order for the student to reflect on the Mentors Assessment Sheet.

This can also occur when the Students ONLINE WIL REGISTRATION has not yet been Approved by the Academic. Only upon approval will the student appear on the Existing Mentors Assessment Sheet. 


Students are required to Register their WIL TRAINING on the WIL PORTAL within 7 Days of the start of their Training.   Registration aims to ensure that the Lecturers can monitor, manage, and assess the Student WIL Training from the beginning of the Training.  After the Student submits the Online WIL Registration, the Lecturer will receive an alert to APPROVE the Registration.  The Lecturer must check the Student's Academic credentials, Employer Name, Workstation Address where the Student would be based, Mentor's Name, Email Address, and Telephone Number are correctly completed by the Student.  The Workstation Address is the Physical Address where the Student would be stationed during their Training.  The Lecturer must also check the credentials of new Employers and Mentors before provisionally approving them.


STUDENTs are required to submit their regular PROGRESS REPORTS in terms of the Qualification Rules.  The Student would receive regular reminders to submit their Progress Reports on time.

When the Student submits their Progress Reports, the Student will be requested to:

a)                  Attach one or more optional supporting documents to the Report

b)                  Link the Report to the relevant WIL Outcome

                               c)            Conduct a Self-Assessment of their performance 

After the Student Submits the Report, the Industry Mentor receives an email Alert to Assess the Student's Progress Report.  

After the Industry Mentor completes the Assessment, the Lecturer gets an email alert to Assess the Student's Report.

The Student, Mentor, and Lecturer can view the Assessments in real time.

TIP: Students are advised to prepare the WIL Reports in MS WORD document and then Paste the Report onto the WIL PORTAL.   



STUDENTs must submit regular PROGRESS / TASK REPORTS according to the Qualification Rules. A typical Report format should include an Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.  However, some Progress Report formats may be different. Refer to the Qualification Rules for the required format  





The start and end dates refer to the Progress Report dates.  








Task/Project Description 


This section will include the Introduction and Body of the Report as described below.

2.1        Introduction


The introduction usually covers the description of what was done during the period of the Progress Report.

2.2          Body of the Report 

The body of the Report should typically address:


       What procedure did the Student follow in completing the Task

       Any analysis, measurements, or evaluations performed during the Tasks

       Any results or achievement of the desired outcome 


2.3               Conclusion 


The conclusion should include reflective practice such as what was learned by the Student, whether the Tasks could have been done differently, efficiently, or more cost-effectively, or any other value-adding suggestions.

2.4               Embedding Images into the Report

Students can INSERT an Image at any point in the Report by RIGHT CLICKING the Mouse and Selecting INSERT IMAGE. The Student must assign a descriptive LABEL to each Image.





The Student can Attach one or more optional supporting PDF Documents to the Report.



The Student would be required to link the Report to one of the relevant WIL Outcomes. 

          5         STUDENT SELF ASSESSMENT


Before submitting the Report, the Student would be required to perform a Self-assessment of their performance. While the Self-Assessment does not contribute to the final

Assessment, allows the Student to reflect on their work and acquaint themselves with the Assessment Criteria that the Mentor and Lecturer would apply. 




After the Student submits the Progress Report, the Mentor receives an email alert to Assess the Report. After the Mentor completes the Assessment, the Report is forwarded to the Lecturer.




It is recommended that the Student first draft the Progress Report in MS Word, and then check for

Grammar and Spelling errors by using the online service at www.grammarly.com. After ensuring that the Report is error-free, the Student must Copy and Paste the Report onto the WIL Portal.




A Training Program is a training and learning activities schedule designed to guide Learners for the duration of their training period with an Employer.  A Training Program does not have to be detailed.  It contains essential information such as: what tasks are planned, when is it going to happen, how long will each task take, and where will it be done.  The Program is a vital roadmap to GUIDE both the Mentors and the Learners on the training schedule.  Mentors need to spend a little time planning the broad areas and activities that Learners will cover during their training period with the Employer or Workstation.  The Training Program should include the location or Department where the Learners would have to report and estimated timeframes of each area of Training Activity.   

The Training Program can be a Summary of the Tasks, or it can be expanded to provide a more detailed Schedule of Weekly Activities for the Learner to follow during their Training, as illustrated in the 2 Tables below.


This is where students need to confirm their email address and only will be allowed to use their TUT4LIFE email address in order to sign up on to the portal 

This is where students fill in their details to sign up on the portal.

Step 1- This is where students confirm their personal details.

STEP 2- This is where the students will select the WIL Qualification that they are doing and put in their start and end date of their WIL training.

Step 3- This is where students can add their employers onto the system and they have the option to search the employer to see if they are already on the portal database.

Step 4- Students can add their mentors to the portal. They need to ensure that the mentor's email address is correct so the mentor can receive their login details for the system after the Academic has approved the student's registration. The student can add a new mentor or have the option to search for the mentor under the "Existing Mentor" button.

Step 5 - This is where students type in their Work placement address and information about where they are conducting their WIL Training.

Step 6- Students would have to read and understand the Undertaking and Indemnity from the University. Students will have to upload their letter of employment as well as proof that they have been successfully placed at a reputable company to conduct their WIL Training.

Step 7 - This shows that the student has completed their  Application and they will given instructions on how their application will be approved and when their mentors that they have registered will be approved.